Whitepaper: Quality Assurance with Industrial Computer Vision
AI-based computer vision solutions for quality assurance create concrete business value in today’s world. Such solutions can either partially or fully automate various time-consuming and error-prone manual inspection tasks. Scalable nature of these technologies enable significant cost savings, productivity improvements, and standardization of quality monitoring processes.
Top Data Science brings the best practices, state-of-the-art tools, and world-class expertise in AI and software engineering to help companies build computer vision solutions for industrial quality assurance.
In this whitepaper you will learn:
What are the key benefits AI based automation can provide to quality assurance and how an organization can achieve them
How we have utilized deep neural networks in industry specific use cases requiring high accuracy and precision
How solution scalability is achieved by replacing rule-based logic with data-driven learning
In addition we will explain:
How we have enabled standardization and intuitive monitoring of a quality assurance process, as well as traceability, in our solution by combining machine learning with web-based software application
How industry specific requirements in welding have been taken into account in production process that has very high quality standards
How an quality control of an industrial assembly process can be automatized with computer vision
Read our whitepaper: “Quality Assurance with Industrial Computer Vision” to learn the above and more.