Our collaboration in the AI for Situational Awareness (AISA) project was featured in the latest Automaatioväylä magazine.
The 4/2022 issue has a special AI and Robotics theme, which matches well with our Industrial Automation AI goals in the multi-year AISA project led by Nokia, Dimecc and Tampere University.
Link to the Finnish language article.
Read more about the AISA project in our earlier blog post: https://topdatascience.com/ai-based-decision-automation-boosted-by-the-aisa-project/
The magazine ”Automaatioväylä” is published and edited by Automaatioväylä Oy, which is owned by Automaatiosäätiö – Automation Foundation.
The main partners of the magazine are Suomen Automaatioseura – Finnish Society of Automation and Suomen Mittaus ja Säätöteknillinen Yhdistys – Finnish Measurement and Control Technology Association.
Both are country wide associations operating on a professional basis and connecting persons in the field of measurement, control and automation.

AISA consortium annual meeting participants at AISA day June 8th at Tampere University Kampus Areena.