
Welcoming New Top Data Scientists!

November 05, 2020 | Blog, Careers, News

We believe in outcomes, hence our motto, “AI with Results!”. While our AI solutions create value for our customers, the driving force behind our solutions is our people. We strongly believe that result-driven teamwork is crucial for closing the loop of People-AI-Results. As we are proud to have so much talent in our team, we would like to share our growth journey. Here is a glimpse of our most recent Top Data Scientists:
Juho, Emma, and Niko.

Juho Piironen

Juho works as a senior scientist at TDS. His expertise lies in Bayesian statistics and machine learning, which he studied during his Ph.D. in the Probabilistic Machine Learning group at Aalto University. His thesis deals with predictive inference for scarce but high-dimensional data and was awarded the Best Thesis of 2019 by the Society of Computer Science in Finland. Before joining TDS, Juho used to work as a machine learning researcher in a Helsinki-based software company. In his current work at TDS, Juho builds AI solutions for industrial production optimization. Although a lot of his recent activities focus on neural networks, reinforcement learning, and model predictive control, he says he has a wide interest in different statistical methods and applications.

“I love to read a lot about different topics related to machine learning and stats. Right now, I’m reading Book of Why by Judea Pearl. The book deals with causal inference, which I believe will be very important in developing truly intelligent algorithms. I really enjoy the feeling of learning something new or having new insights on something I thought I already know pretty well. Also, this field is developing so fast that I think it’s crucial to stay up-to-date and to keep on learning all the time. But this also makes it very interesting.” says Juho.

When not working, he enjoys spending time in nature, for example picking mushrooms, fishing, or doing sports-related activities. Juho adds “I try to limit how much I work in order not to neglect other important things in life. But even then, I often find myself thinking about some machine learning -related questions out of genuine interest, for example when going out for a walk with my dog. I definitely feel lucky I’ve found a profession I enjoy so much.”

Emma Meeus

Emma is a data scientist at TDS, with a background in medical image analysis. She received her Ph.D. from University of Birmingham on computational analysis methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), focusing specifically on childhood cancer data. Her thesis work contributed to improving the diagnostic capabilities of MRI data, by extracting additional diagnostic value with image post-processing.

Following her studies, she worked in the healthcare industry in quality assurance and validation roles, verifying new MRI methods and software used for radiotherapy planning. However, she was keen to get back to working closely with data. She further studied up on the various areas of data science and subsequently made a start on her data science career.

Emma’s professional interest still lies in working with images and computer vision solutions. “I am particularly enthusiastic about deep learning approaches aimed at solving numerous difficult image-based challenges,” Emma says. She is also interested in learning more about how an AI company operates and is always looking for opportunities to help improve things.

In her spare time, Emma enjoys getting some fresh air in her nearby Keskuspuisto, as well as learning new pieces on the piano.

Niko Säkkinen

Niko is a full-time data scientist at TDS with a background in theoretical physics in which he holds a PhD from University of Jyväskylä. He made a move from academia to industry a few years back. Since then, he has acquired formal education in data science from the University of Helsinki and worked as a data scientist in the industry. “I warmly recommend a data science -related education and research experience to aspiring data scientists because both help to build the right toolbox and mindset.” says Niko.

What Niko currently pursues professionally is to work in diverse data science projects from AI proof-of-concepts to production-level AI solutions, in order to expand his soft and hard skill-sets. “At TDS, I have had the opportunity to work on computer vision-based fault detection as well as several industrial process modeling and optimization tasks involving static and dynamic structural data. I always enjoy looking into the potential technical solutions as well as hands-on coding to implement them to help the clients to utilize their data better.” Niko mentions.

He also adds “In order to cope with my professional interests, I like my coffee black and regularly. I also enjoy paced evening walks and occasional jogging or cross-country skiing among other things.”

If you are interested in becoming the next Top Data Scientist, drop an email at [email protected].

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